Magic Land is protected by the Imperial Guards, and Ryuji Sainei is portraying the the captain of said army. In Magic Land, anyone can become magicians called Kamen Rider Mage. However, there are slight differences depending on what type of citizen they are. Captains and high ranked soldiers are equipped with a red cape on the right shoulder. Regular soldiers of the Imperial Guards only have a yellow cape, while regular people have no cape at all. They are all equipped with the broom-shaped weapon, RideScraper. Not only is it a weapon, but also a method for transportation in Magic Land.
The young orphan, Shiina, helps out at Wajima’s store, Vestige Halls, after he took him in. However, in this world, Vestige Halls is not an antique shop. Instead it’s a store that sells magical rings.
In the movie, the three chief Phantoms, Phoenix, Medusa and Gremlin will be fighting together. Here, Phoenix is still in good health

Credit to:HenshinJustice
Terjemahan(intinya aja):
The actor, Ryuji Sainei,yang sebelumnya memerankan Banban Akaza, aka DekaRed, akan tampil di Kamen Rider Wizard’s summer movie, In Magic Land.
Magic Land dilindungi oleg Imperial Guards, dan Ryuji Sainei memerankan captain dari Imperial Guards. di Magic Land, semua orang bisa menjadi penyihir dengan sebutan kamen rider mage.Tetapi ada sedikit perbedaan depending berdasarkan derajat mereka. Captains dan tentara kelas atas mempunyai tanjung merah di bahu kanan mereka . tentara biasa dan Imperial Guards hanya mempunyai tanjung kuning, dan orng biasa tidak mempunyainya sama sekali. mereka mempunyai senjata berbentuk sapu yaitu RideScraper. , bukan hanya sebagai senjata.tetapi juga sebagai alat transportasi di magic land
anak yatim piatu yang muda, Shiina,membantu wajima di tokonya, Vestige Halls. tetapi di dunia ini Vestige Halls Bukan sekedar toko barang antik. Itu adalah toko yang menjual cincin sihir
Di movie, Phoenix, Medusa and Gremlin akan bertarung bersama. disini phoenix masih hidup dan sehat